ShambaJijini Summit
16th to 31st of October 2021
Reshma Aziz Khan
"My dream had always been to move to a home with a garden where I could grow my own food."
Reshma is a Catalytic Leadership Coach, Global Facilitator Strategy Connector with experience in Communications for Development, Change Management, Cultural Connection, Social Inclusion, Diversity and Power Dynamics facilitation work, and Future Visioning. She supports individuals and teams to reach their highest potential, whatever that may mean for them, and to be a force of good in the world!
She is EXTREMELY PASSIONATE about the earth and is currently on a journey to make her life as #PlasticFree and earth-centered as possible and to change the attitudes of those around her and beyond.
In the interview, Reshma talks about her bold and admirable journey to become plastic free and reduce her waste to zero. She believes in either doing things herself, or sourcing them regeneratively!
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"To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves."
– Mahatma Gandhi
Are you thinking about growing your own food – on your windowsill, your balcony, in the backyard, or in a shamba on the outskirts of your hometown? Would you like to move towards self-sufficiency, not just for yourself, but also for your community and the city where you live?
Did you ever think about a more sustainable, even regenerative way of farming?ShambaJijini Summit brings you stories of people who grow food for their families without the use of chemicals. People, who earn a living from regenerative farming or even created a completely new career path for themselves.
If this is your line of thought, welcome to ShambaJijini.
ShambaJijini-Speakers 2021
Meet the pioneers in regenerative urban farming, business and urban livelihoods. Find inspirations in the stories and experiences of ambitious individuals, who are dedicated to produce healthy food and show pathways to regenerative food systems and a good, healthy live.