ShambaJijini Summit

ShambaJijini Summit Package
We have gathered so much information in interviews and stories of Kenyan pioneers in regenerative farming and living.
We’ve conducted interviews with 51 speakers, but met and spoken to so many more during the production of the videos and along the journey of ShambaJijini. We are deeply grateful for the time and energy, the speakers have contributed, and for the profound knowledge they have shared with us. And also with you.
If you also see the value of the interviews and videos – and that is most probably why you’re interested in getting the ShambaJijini-Summit Package – we would like to ask you for a favour: YOUR DONATION
Donations for exceptional CBOs
We would like to introduce 4 outstanding CBOs to you, all situated in informal settlements in Nairobi – and ask you for YOUR DONATION for one of them. They have left us speechless with what they have achieved in and for their communities, the environment. Their energy, vision and spirit has inspired us a lot.
YOUR DONATION goes to the CBO directly, you’ll find their bank details below.
YOUR DONATION will be considered as an appreciation of all the SHAMBAJIJINI-SPEAKERS as well as the work of the SHAMBAJIJINI-TEAM.
Thank you!

Komb Green Solutions
Kombgreen Solution is a CBO in Korogocho, Nairobi. The CBO was founded in 2017, after a successful joint effort of the local youth to clean the dumpsite next to a newly built bridge and create a green, safe space for the community there, the Peoples Park. Kombgreens is providing training and mentorship riparian ecosystems restoration for other youth groups, who want to transfer the model to other parts of the informal settlement.
YOUR DONATION will be used to provide training in restoring the riparian along Nairobi river. Kombgreens supports other youth groups, who want to follow their path. They are also looking into ways to finance a plastic crusher, in order to being able to also sell the plastics from cleaning the river.
Account name: Komb Greens Solutions
Account number: 0320178758119
Paybill Number: 778160
Account Name: KOMBGREEN Solutions

Mwengenye Greens
Mwengenye Greens is a food security initiative in Kayole, which is trying to present urban areas as part of the solution to food security. The registered CBO has established an Urban Agriculture Resource and Information Center and Demonstration Farm, where communities are trained on urban agriculture.
YOUR DONATION will be used to buy goats and produce goat milk. The platform and stable for the goats has been there but empty for a while. The goat manure can be used in the shamba, as CBO also plans to increase their organic fertilisers.
Bank: Equity Bank Limited
Bank account: Mengende Lifestyle CBO
Account number: 1440280064183

Huruma Town Youth Group
Huruma Town Youth Group (HYTG) is a registered CBO in Mathare in Nairobi, Kenya. The three founding members of the group namely Kevin Uduny, Simon Kibue and Zablon Owiti founded it with the aim and mission of improving the living standards of its members and empowering their local community. The groups’ now 28 members are actively engaged in different projects and activities, such as urban farming, water vending, table banking, sports development, garbage collection & environmental cleanliness.
YOUR DONATION will support the CBO in buying dairy feed and medication for the animals. As the prices for fuel increased, also the price for dairy feed increased from 1.900 KES to 2.300 KES per 50 kg.
Bank: Cooperative Bank, Kariobangi Branch
Bank account: Huruma Town Youth Group
Account number: 01109179711500

Ndoto Zetu
The CBO in Dandora works with kids from the age of 5 to 15 with an aim of equipping them with life skills, farming and artistic skills, teaching them to be responsible, identify individual talents, providing platform and opportunities for them to showcase their capabilities.
YOUR DONATION will contribute to the “Dreams Of the Farm”-project, that comprises an Urban Farm for kids. In line with Ndoto Zetu Kenya’s vision of making kids to be the carriers of change, the project will involve giving and sharing agricultural skills with Kids to enable them to grow different food crops, which in turn, will play a major role in creating a sustainable food structure in Kenya.