ShambaJijini Summit

16th to 31st of October 2021

Daisy Ritchie & Alan de Boer

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Daisy Ritchie & Alan de Boer

Founders of Living Machines

"Our clients observe a big change within a small space. Your able to monitor it, and manage it much easier than in a big shamba."

Daisy and Alan, the founders of Living Machines, are passionate about self-sustaining living, ecology, and natural systems through bioengineering.

Both are on a mission to energize and inspire people to learn about the different ecological processes that make up our diet and offer simple modular systems for people to grow their own food from home. 

By bridging the gap of modern modular designs with organic farming practices they hope to be leaders in the positive change we need to see.

In the interview, they are advocating (and proving) that high productivity is possible, even in a small space, such as in their grow-houses - and by using regenerative practises. Together with Joseph Lentunyoi from Laikipia Permaculture Center, they are explaining nicely how regenerative farming practices help in water management.

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